SB 142 - Beverly Powell (D) - authorizes state auditor and SBOE to perform an audit to determine if STAAR assessments accurately measure student success and requires opportunity for parental input.
SB 177 - Kel Seliger (R) - makes Individual Graduation Committees (IGC) permanent.
SB 260 - Menendez (D) - Relating to the administration of assessment instruments in public schools and eliminating the requirement to use public school assessment instruments as a criterion for promotion or ...
HB 378 - Reynolds - eliminate English 2 and US HIstory EOCs as they are not required by federal law.
HB 382 - Pacheco - eliminates the requirement of passing assessments for promotion or graduation
HB 424 - King - All TEKS taught in a given year, or change number; ensure tests include only grade appropriate info on TEKS
HB 764 - Krause- This allows districts to opt to use TSI, or any other test in lieu of STAAR and appears to eliminate STAAR as the assessment of choice. Also limits assessment to no more than federal. Kids caught in the transition must still take EOCs.
HB 812 - Shaheen - Prohibits test results as sole critera for teacher evaluatio; Institutes adaptive interim growth based assessments throughout the year - at least two tests given; effective 22-23
HB 999- Bernal - Allow students this year to graduate with IGC more broadly (no limits and grad committee doesn’t need to consider any performance on EOCs) for the years subject to no accountability
HB 1192- Hinojosa - Relating to the administration of public school assessment instruments and the temporary suspension of certain accountability determinations for a school district or campus in a school year in which the operations of the district or campus are disrupted as a result of a declared disaster and the requirement to use those assessment instruments as a criterion for promotion or graduation of a public school student.
HB 1603 - Huberty - Relating to the use of individual graduation committees and other alternative methods to satisfy certain public high school graduation requirements.
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